Hoylu Interactive Board
Intuitive and easy-to-use workspace sharing tool, for multiple users, regardless of the platform used.
The main goal is to support business and design processes with data visualization and integration with external tools.
The specifics:
- interactive board for many users
- import and export of data
- cross-platform: Linux, Windows, IOS, Mac, Android
- dedicated set of projectors for stationary solution
- support of business and project processes
- integrations with external systems
- embedded data visualisation and reporting tools
- dedicated solutions for the construction sector
- support of projects run with the Agile methodology
How it works:
Cross-platform client application ensures a constant synchronisation with other participants and data visualisation during common sessions. As for the backend, it is responsible for a fast exchange between clients, serialization of data and integration with the external systems.
Each customer action is serialized into a message describing the state of the described object and sent to the connected clients and to the system responsible for aggregation and storage of data. After receiving such a message, the client application updates itself and visualises the received data.
- Support of constructing endeavours from the moment of designing, up to documentation of developments or building acceptance
- Support of production processes based on the Agile methodology
- Workshops
- Workshopy
- Tasks management
- Brainstorming
- Poszczególne warstwy:
- Client application
- Transmission data service
- Service of integration solutions of the outside companies
- Storage layer and data synchronisation
- System technology:
- .Net Core
- Kotlin
- Node.js
- Client application:
- React
- Svelte
- Electron
- External integrations:
- Jira
- Agility
- MS Teams
- Webex
- Active Directory
- Okta
- MS Office
- YouTube